Accueil Sectors Works

Rehabilitation and Revegetation Works

Targeted response to restore ecosystems

In New Caledonia SIRAS Pacifique brings its technical expertise to the rehabilitation of degraded sites, through meticulously planned and executed fieldwork.
Our approach includes a variety of specialized techniques, such as hydraulic seeding, biological engineering, ecological engineering and various vegetation techniques.


Hydroseeding is an effective technique for revegetating mining sites in New Caledonia. It allows for the uniform establishment of vegetation, thereby promoting ecological restoration and soil stabilization.

Hydroseeding Technique Key Steps:

Visual Analysis of the Environment

A field visit is organized with the client ahead of the works to study the soil’s nature and constraints inherent to the site. The most effective mixtures are selected according to the types of substrates identified.

Mixture Preparation

Hydroseeding involves preparing a mixture containing seeds of endemic species, water, fertilizers, binding products, and protective materials. This mixture is formulated in a reasoned way on a case-by-case basis, to ensure rapid germination and vigorous plant growth.

Application of the Mixture

Using specific equipment, the mixture is evenly sprayed over the surface to be treated. This technique enables large areas to be rapidly and efficiently covered while ensuring a uniform distribution of seeds.

Anchoring and Protection

The binding products contained in the mixture help fixing the seeds to the soil and protect the soil surface against erosion caused by wind and rain. This creates a favorable microclimate for the seed germination and the establishment of young plants.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Once the hydroseeding has been carried out, we conduct regular monitoring to track the germination and growth of the plants. Extra action, such as weeding and application of additional fertilizers, may be necessary to optimize results.

Ecological engineering works

The goal of ecological engineering is the restoration, preservation and enhancement of ecosystems, based on natural principles.

Gentle and sustainable techniques are employed to rehabilitate degraded environments, improve biodiversity and ensure a balance between human activities and nature.

Coir Fiber Logs

Standard in length, these rolls provide immediate and natural protection without the need for extensive earthworks or heavy machinery. They have strong filtration capabilities.

Wire Mesh Terraces

This soft engineering technique can be of varying lengths and aims to retain sediments while conforming to land configuration. This creates sediment deposition areas conducive to vegetation regrowth. 

Stone Rows

This simple and inexpensive technique aims to slow surface runoff, encouraging the deposition of fine materials and promoting soil moisture retention. 

Brushwood Fascines

Composed of bundles of branches, these fascines help limit soil erosion by slowing surface water runoff. They promote sedimentation of particles upstream, and in the long term, vegetation regrowth. 


A mesh woven from fine natural fiber ropes, geomat is fully biodegradable within 6 months to 4-5 years, depending on the fiber type and the surrounding climate. 

Biodegradable Mats

“Biomat” is a generic term for protections made of a layer of non-woven, needle-punched or entangled plant fibers, reinforced by one or two very thin natural or synthetic fiber nets.

Tubular Gabions

Tubular gabions provide a reliable ecological alternative to rock armoring for bank or ravine protection. They provide immediate protection of the bank/slope base. 

Reno Mattresses

Reno mattresses are structures primarily used in civil engineering and landscaping for bank protection, erosion control, and vegetation support. 

Retaining Walls

We build retaining walls using gabions or local wooden logs. We implement one or the other technique based on customer requests and/or the nature of the ground, accessibility, and the availability of materials.

Wooden Walls and Thresholds

Single or double wooden walls are torrent correction structures which help limit a ravine’s or watercourse’s incision, by dissipating energy. 

Revegetation Techniques

As a company specialized in the revegetation of mining sites in New Caledonia, we implement many techniques to reintroduce endemic plant species, thereby ensuring ecological restoration and the preservation of local biodiversity.

Key Steps of the Planting Technique:


Selection of Endemic Species

We identify and select endemic plant species suited to the specific conditions of each mining site. This selection is crucial to ensure the success of revegetation and the resilience of the restored ecosystems.


Soil Preparation

Before planting, we conduct thorough soil preparation. This step includes decompacting the soil, adding organic matter, mineral fertilizers and water retainers together with adjusting the pH when necessary, in order to create a plant growth conducive environment.


Propagation in Nursery

The selected species are grown in a nursery under controlled conditions. This step allows for the development of acclimated plants with a strong root system before reintroduction on the mining site.



We reintroduce the young plants to the mining site according to a planting pattern designed to optimize vegetation cover and biodiversity. The plants are spaced to promote growth while minimizing competition for resources.

Through this methodical approach, we contribute to the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the conservation of endemic plant species while promoting the resilience of New Caledonia’s mine landscapes. Different planting techniques can be implemented depending on the environnemental context and, in particular, the presence or absence of surrounding vegetation. Our engineers have the expertise to provide the most efficient technique.

Specific works

To address the challenges we regularly face, particularly access difficulties, we have developed our expertise and adapted our equipment. Over the years, we have developped our skills in managing specific operations in domains such as:

To learn more about our rehabilitation work and to benefit from tailored support for your projects, contact our team of experts today. We are ready to put our expertise to work for you to restore and revitalize your degraded sites.